Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lifestyle does not equate to life....

Moving to a new place is hard! I have learned in this past month how adapted I was to my old lifestyle, and how difficult it is to truly let go and change. I became comfortable in my routine and being in a totally different environment has made me very aware of how used to my routine I became. I got used to doing things a certain way, and I truly believe that God has put me here so that I can learn that my lifestyle was not necessarily my life.

I live in a place now thats almost opposite of where I used to live. And like a spoiled brat, I find myself complaining internally and constantly comparing the two places. I know God has put me here...but I am dragging my feet and making a "big stink" about it. WHY? What good will that do? I am acting like Jonah...instead of just going and doing what I know God has told me to do and making efforts to enjoy it, I am mentally (like God doesn't know what I am thinking?) having a bad attitude. Like yesterday, I had to run a few errands by myself and for the first time in a long time, I had no idea where I was going and needed very specific directions to get to the places I needed to go. I found myself sitting in my car, annoyed by the fact that I had no sense of direction, no real idea of where I was going. Everything was foreign to me, and the sense that I didn't feel at home in my new neighborhood was unsettling. I wanted my cozy and comfy old life, where I knew the hood like the back of my hand and didn't need any direction. Maybe God wants me here so that I can learn to take direction or that I can be dependent upon His direction? I am revealing lessons to myself as I write!

The truth old lifestyle, my comfort zone, is not my life's calling. God did not put me on this Earth so that I could be comfortable! He will not ask me in Heaven, "Did you live your life to fullest? Were you comfy and cozy?"....NO! God works the most in our discomfort. Living life does not mean that your lifestyle is what you want ! It means you make the most in your life out of what you have, out of what God gives you. Its like the saying goes.."If life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, in my stinky attitude I may think life is handing me lemons, but here's a grand idea...maybe I should drop the attitude!

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