Friday, July 11, 2008

I am never truly Lost....

There is a song by Coldplay titled "Lost", and this song, it speaks to me. The first time I heard it I think I broke into tears ( if you haven't figured it out by now, I am a crier). I am not sure what Coldplay was trying to say exactly with this song, but to me it means not letting your situations dictate you. You may be lost, but your not losing, you may be hurt, but your not hurting. Just because you are going through something, doesn't mean it needs to overcome you and consume you. We all go through our own stuff, everyday we are faced with some version of difficulty. But if all we do is focus on the hardship, then we are choosing our life to be a series of troubles and woes. Life is so much more. Life is not defined our day to day battles, but it certainly can be if we choose it to be. We just get lost sometimes, but with God He knows exactly where we are and where He's taking us, even if we don't have a clue.

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