Thursday, May 22, 2008

Banging my Head against the wall...

I am having one of those days.....EVERYTHING is driving me crazy. I am ultra sensitive and its like my nerve endings are exposed and it doesn't take much for something to agitate me. I admit, I am not the most patient person, but I do try though.And then in the face of my efforts, people come my way and drive me bonkers. I have this one person in particular, a close family member of mine, that I want to strangle sometimes. It takes absolute reliance on Jesus, prayers that almost sound like chanting ("Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus help me") to keep me from snapping like a twig. I am just keeping it real people! I can only be stretched so far! What I hate is that I take my frustration towards one person and spew it on other people, who don't deserve my aggravation dumped upon them. No poor soul really deserves to be the target of my firey arrows, I really should learn to extinguish the fire blazing inside of me before it gets that far.

But I don't!!! I am annoyed! This person is like nails on a chalkboard to me...a constant water drop hitting my forehead! This worst part is this......

As annoyed as I am, I HAVE to deal with this person. I know God has made this person a part of my life and I need to rely on Jesus to show me, Oh dear Lord please show me, how to survive daily life and not erupt like a volcano. Which would just make things worse and oh not to mention, not give God any glory. Help me to pray when I feel like smacking, and have hope that this person can change when all I want to do is strangle. In that case, Lord help me to not do what I want to do!

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