Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Coolest Girl....

Sometimes I wish I could have a video recorder in my hand at all times. My sister is such a funny girl, and so many little moments happen every day that I want to remember forever. I treasure that little girl. She is so awesome and naturally, no four year old holds a candle to her. My life would be very sad without her. What fun she makes everyday life out to be. For example, she comes to me tonight and says...."I have three questions. You didn't put on the movie I wanted, You didn't make the broccoli right, and I want a sippy full of water." Hilarious! She is mean at all, more spunky than nasty. And the girl knows how to be sweet. I am in serious trouble, because she, just being her natural self, makes me want to give her whatever she wants.

Don't get me wrong, she drives me crazy. And despite our age difference (almost 17 years) we have a very typical sister sibling relationship. We squabble and converse as if we were a year apart. I love every second of it though. Whats amazing to me is that she and I are the same amount of years apart as my mom, Ginger, and I are. And I think about how much I love my mom and how my relationship with her is such an irreplaceable one. My mom is truly my favorite person. And I believe my sister and I will have a similar relationship that my mom and I have. Its like a circle of love and friendship that will continue through my sister and I. God is truly good. I love my brother, Jason, who is four years older than me, but I think God knew I needed another sibling. He could have given me one closer to my age, but I like what He gave me. I can't imagine it any other way. My sister is one of the very best things to happen to me. I love her in every sense of the word. My mom, my sister and I are the best of friends, and I am lucky and thankful to God that I am a part of such an awesome trio.

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